I Long to Kneel

I long to kneel
Feel the love
Where I belong

With my head bowed
My palms up
I wait

Wait for you
Yet, you never come

I long to kneel
The need to submit
To hear those words
How precious
Good girl
I’m yours

My head bowed
Imagining you walking around me
As I kneel naked
Yet, you never come

I long to submit
Be yours
To call you Sir
To have you mine, only mine

I long to kneel
To have you watch me
My chest rising
Shoulders back
Breasts out
Legs spread
Just the way you like me

I long to kneel and be yours
To commit my love
My everything to you

Yet, you never come
To look over me
Tell me that I’m a good girl



I feel you build up
My eyes glassing over
Wanting to come forward

I swallow hard
I push you down
Yet you build more

Feeing you swell
Ready to explode
Water comes to the edge

I close my eyes
I let out a breathe
I swallow hard
I beat you

Yet you fight me
I keep taking deep breathes
You will not defeat me
I can not show weakness
I have to be strong

Water forms again
Close my eyes
Breath slowly
I have won this time

Breathe With Me

Your body pressed against mine
Arms wrapped around me
Breathing with me
Slowing my breath

You barely touch my skin
As you slide your fingers up my arms

Eyes closed


I feel your hand slide up
Fingers brushing my neck
I flinch
You whisper

Breathing slows

Fingers slowly move again
Up and down my arms
Gentle kisses on my nape
Whispering again

Breathing matches yours again

Relaxation sets in
The calmness hits
Your fingers slide up again
They brush my neck
This time
This time I hold still

Reminding me I safe
You hold my head back
Kiss my nape again

Breathing slowly again

I am safe
I am safe


You are here

I’m afraid

Afraid you’re leaving again

Afraid of empty promises 

You are here

I can touch you

Smell you

Hold you

Yet I’m terrified 

Do I fully trust again

Let my guard down

What about my draw bridge

Will the guards let you in

I’m terrified you’re not going to be here

The moment I need you

The moment I need to be picked up



You are here

Staring at me



I Miss You

I miss you everyday

More than you know

I hope you’d come back

The feeling slowly goes

I know deep down that it will never be

More than I can imagine 

More than I want to admit

I can’t ever share that love

Not with another

Maybe it’s too soon

Nor would I want

For me to even try

It’s been months since we split

A month since you stopped talking

The need and the desire

I still see me kneeling 

Looking up at you

Crying and begging

Not for you for you to go

I still feel the collar on my neck

Since I was one the one to remove it

It’s hard to imagine it not there no more

I was yours for so long

The love is still strong

The trust is so broken

I wish it wasn’t

I still want to be yours

Be your kitten

Be your lil one

Just be yours

I dream of you often

You loving me like before

That touch of yours

Won’t ever be

I wish it was

The Darkness -TW

You are creeping back in
Saying you are not enough
Saying you are not worth it
You are not worth the fight
Fighting to stay alive
The darkness starts to sink in
A black cloud hovering
Telling me no man wants me
You’re too needy
Too clingy
Too difficult
Too everything
Hearing again a few years laster
No man will ever date you
You’re too blunt
I’d never date you
Once again I hear in my life
You are not worth it
The darkness
The darkness creeping in
Suffocating me
Whispering once again
You’re not worth it
No one will ever want you
You’re not a good sub
You’re not good enough
The darkness

Why I Kneel

I kneel because I want too

For the love I have for you

I kneel because I can let go

The cares are no longer there

I kneel out of submission 

Out of desire and need

I kneel for the look in your eyes

Wanting to please

The touch on my cheek

So soft and tender

The dominance over me

Overwhelms me

Thank you Sir 

Thank you for your love

Your devotion 

Thank you for caring for me

Guiding me


The urge to bite is strong
Claim what is mine
Mark my territory

Places my lips on your skin
Growls before my teeth find you
I place my teeth down
I bite

I feel the rush in me
As my teeth sink in
Hoping I can feel you more
I taste you
The taste of your skin

You bite my neck
And I bite harder
The kitten in me rises
I let go
As you bite and growl louder

I feel the low rumble in my throat
You grab me
Pull me closer
Bite my nape

Growls and purrs
My body changes
No longer fighting
You claiming yours
As I am claiming mine


Trust Your Wolf

The pain runs deep once again

The trust once built starts to shatter

Yet I love you

I want you

Somehow I want to trust you

Does that make me wrong?

You promised me

Broke the promise

You said things

Backed on your word

How do you want me to trust you

When you can’t trust yourself

Your instincts are strong

Like the wolf inside

Listen to them

Run with what lies in you

Howl in the wind

Listen to the trees

What does nature say

How does she sound

Aren’t you one?

For an animal like you sure is

Trust me

When I say I love you

You are worth it

You are more than you give yourself credit for

You are stronger and braver

Just fight

Trust the wolf inside

Once Again

Once again my trust is broke

Once again no doesn’t work

Once again the push of the hands don’t stop

Once again I cry for help

Once again I broke beyond words

Into a thousand pieces

Once again I sat and cried

Feeling nothing but betrayal

Once again I was lied too

Once again I see your face

Once again I want the blood to pour down

Once again I’m fighting

Just to survive another day

Once again I am lost and unsafe

Once again I’ll find a way

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